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Image by Rahul Dey

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If you've ever spent a day walking around a country park, along a hilly path or through woodlands, you'll know that you've had a workout!

After a challenging hike, your body will be pleading with you to take off the backpack, undo the boot laces and get home into a nice warm bath.

And after a soak in the tub and a cup of tea, the only thing on your mind will be how much you enjoyed the day.

Then you'll start planning the next hike. 


It's true that you can get an aerobic workout at the gym.

And after a hard week at work, you can sit in a quiet room and play some whale music into your headphones.

But there's nothing to compare to the physical effort and mental wellbeing that hiking provides.


There's a host of 'lose fat fast' regimes out there.

The list is endless.

Companies are raking in millions in revenue with the promise of the miracle weight loss cures that cost the earth. Some work in the short term and guess what; the weight often comes back. However, studies show that consistent exercise and a sensible diet helps to lose the pounds and keep them from returning.

So, through all the scientific 'lose weight fast, send us money' regimes, it turns out that walking does a great job at burning off fat. ' Steps' is a proven method to losing those extra pounds and keeping them off and is recommended by Doctors globally.

Research by BMC in 2011 found that 10,000 steps walking per day is a reasonable goal for healthy adults.

A five mile hike, taking around an hour and a half, (approx 10,000 steps) on a level trail will do just that. Imagine what a whole day will do.

And taking a hilly trail increases the burn even more


It's been shown that walking promotes better health.

The number of steps for older healthy adults is between 7,000 to 10,000 per day.

If possible, 3,000 of those steps should be at a more vigorous pace.

There is a ballpark number of 6,500 to 8,500 steps for those with a disability or chronic illness.

This has not been established as there are so many factors for individuals.


If you have any medical conditions, check with your Doctor before taking on any physical activities.


You'll also notice how your body changes when you start walking regularly.

You'll feel a strengthening of your core muscles, resulting in a flatter stomach.

Your thighs and calves will tone up and have more definition.

Buttocks will be firmer and your posture will improve.

And if you use hiking poles, they'll help give the upper body a work out.

They build up the muscles that support the back and spine and strengthen arms and shoulders.


Your heart will thank you for it as well !

High blood pressure is one of the so called 'silent killers'.

Walking has been shown to improve blood flow and as oxygen is pumped to the muscles, helps lower blood pressure.

As with all aerobic exercise, hiking has been recommended to lessen the risk of heart disease, and also strengthen the heart.


Hiking also helps to increase bone density in your spine, legs and hips and helps ward of osteoporosis.

Legs and core body muscles become stronger with regular walking.

Hiking on a trail and climbing hills burn plenty more energy than a flat surface.

The legs get a great workout on an uphill climb.

The quadriceps and buttocks take a lot of the effort.

Downhill develops the muscles around the the knees, calf muscles and hip extensors.

Walking can also improve or even reduce existing varicose veins.


Walking regularly has been shown to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. It can reduce bad cholesterol and boosts the immune system.

There are studies showing a benefit to those with arthritis and even some cancers


We know how hiking improves the health of the physical body, but how does it improve the mind?

There's a bucket full of research showing the positive mental health benefit of getting out into nature.

According to a study made at Stanford University, a hike in nature does wonders for one's mental wellbeing.

Gregory Bratman, who carried out the experiment, chose sixty random volunteers to take a fifty minute walk in either forest land or along a wide urban road.

He found that the people who walked in the nature setting compared to those who took the road route, showed a decrease in activity in the part of the brain associated with depression.


Researchers in Japan carried out a similar experiment.

They found that the nature walkers had notable lower blood rates than their city walking counterparts.

When questioned, the participants who had spent time walking in forest settings felt less stress, a better mood and less anxiety.

The conclusion made by the research team was consistent with other similar findings.


There is a term used by psychologists called 'Rumination. It's applied to the negative thoughts that we Humans often suffer.

The nagging thoughts that can lead to depression by feeling guilt and shame of past events.

It's been shown that spending time in nature decreases these thought patterns and increases happiness.


We all have that moment when we need to 'think things over'.

Hiking in the open air with just the sound of the birds singing and the wind blowing is the perfect setting.

Many people have commented on their increased creativity while out on the trail


Regular exercise can positively impact your sleep.

According to the, exercising in the morning and afternoon is a great way to get a good night's sleep.

If you have a problem nodding off at night, take advantage of a hike and reap the reward of a healthier body and mind and a good night's rest!



For so many people these days, they find the pleasure of nature only on television programmes and internet videos.

Hiking is an opportunity to get out and smell the fresh air.

See wildlife in it's natural setting.

See awesome scenery and hike through breathtaking landscapes.

Put away the phone, put on your walking boots and get hiking

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