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Well, the similarity is that both require walking!


For those who don't have the time or the inclination, their walking may be done in the gym on a treadmill.

The advantage of getting into the wild outdoors is the wondrous scenery, fresh air and adventure.

So, are you planning to go on a hike or a trek? Let me break down the main differences between them both.




For most people it's a day's walk.

Along a country trail, through a rocky pass or backcountry dirt

road, you get to enjoy the scenery that nature has to offer with

the knowledge that you'll be back in your comfortable bed by



The day will be made easier by not having to carry a heavy load

of supplies on your back.


The thing to remember here though, is that you

make sure that your taking with you all necessary items for the whole day as you

may not come across the local supermarket for emergencies!


Backpacking by the way is a hiking term for a trip which will last overnight or for several days.


This adventure becomes an even more difficult hike, as you need to ensure that you have every item in your backpack for the duration.


You'll be carrying a tent, sleeping bag, utensils and food as a given. You're also going to take extra clothes and medical and emergency supplies.



Trekking has similarities to backpacking in that it is a several day outing.


While a backpack is carried on the trek, the load may be lighter than backpacking as the trail is often designed with help along the way.

There are shops selling food and other needy commodities and sites offering a comfortable bed to get a good nights sleep.


Considering these valuable pit stops on the way, trekking is considered by many on balance, to be less arduous.


However, although there are the benefits as mentioned, trekking can be the more testing.


Yes, the backpack may be lighter if the trek is correctly mapped and planned well so there will be no need to carry sleeping gear and food, but this has the effect of a somewhat faster paced journey.


I would say that however different hiking and trekking are, both are extremely enjoyable. They also have one common similarity. 


To paraphrase Confucius, 'Every journey starts with a single step'!


The benefits of hiking and trekking are enormous.


The open air and the wonderful scenery gives a stimulating buzz to a persons mental well being.


Walking is great for physical fitness. It's shown to improve muscle, bone and core strength.


The risk of Heart disease is reduced, lowers blood pressure and according to the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, reduces the risk of stroke.


Walking also assists weight loss and sleep is improved.


John Muir (Wikipedia) once said: "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks".



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